Subject: Re: Where is .bashrc?
To: Paul Whiting <>
From: RiscBSD Mailing List <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/19/1997 22:47:41
On Fri 19 Sep, Paul Whiting wrote:
> I have been told countless times to alter my .bashrc file.
> But where is it? I tried 'find / -name .bashrc' to no avail.
> I also created '.bashrc' in / with contents 'echo test'.
> When I started bash, I got no 'test' message so I assume
> that this did not work.
> Or is it that I am not only barking up the wrong tree,
> but in the wrong forest altogether?

The .bashrc file is in the $HOME directory of your users (your $HOME
I guess in this case)...

although by default, there isn't normally one there !

Just simply create one with your favorite editor.

for example, my user is in the directory /home/richard

so I created a /home/richard/.bashrc file as follows:

---------- .bashrc -------
# .bashrc - bash config file
# export variables
export EDITOR=vi

# redefine the cd command to change the prompt
function cd() {
	builtin cd $1
	export PS1="`uname -n`-`pwd` >"

# define alias'
alias l='ls -l'
alias ll='ls -al'
alias lf='ls -CF'
---------- .bashrc -------


Richard J N Barrass BSc.
Knight Software Solutions. 
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