Subject: Re: Problems with X
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Adrian P. Ireland <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/14/1997 15:44:54
In message <>
Alisdair McDiarmid <> wrote:
> Having installed RiscBSD fairly successfully I now want to use the X
> Window system.
> When I type /usr/X11R6.1/bin/X I get the 'XArm' banner screen followed
> by a grey screen with a black X in the centre. There is no further HD
> activity unless I press a key.
> Have I installed X incorrectly? How can I fix this?
Talk about deja vu!
I posted the same question about a month or so ago.
the anwser from Mike Pumford and other nice people included.
/usr/X11R6.1/bin/X just starts the X server.
You need to use.
You also need to be in root
and do
chown root:wheel /usr/X11R6.1/bin/Xarm-27
chmod 4755 /usr/X11R6.1/bin/Xarm-27
In addition it would be a good idea to add
to your path. I do that in my .cshrc file as I am using the c shell.
There is another fancier way xdm or something suggested but I have
not tried that yet.
Adrian Ireland Put it off until tomorrow.
There are two kinds of pedestrians -- the quick, and the dead.