Subject: Re: Some post installation niggles
To: Simon Knott <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 09/07/1997 20:08:45
> 2. Is it possible to shutdown the system without logging in as root.
> My main user id belongs to wheel and operator groups so I can execute
> the shutdown command but can't execute the halt command. I tried using
> shutdown -kh which I thought would do the trick but the response is
> "You'll have to do it yourself"
On one system I made halt/reboot setuid root, which allows anyone
to reboot the machine
(as root)
chown 0 `which halt`
chmod u+s `which halt`
If you only want 'account' (as well as root :) to be able to halt
the machine
(as root)
mkdir ~account/special
chmod 700 ~account/special
chown special ~account/special
cp `which halt` ~account/special
chown 0 ~account/special/halt
chmod u+s ~account/special/halt
The add 'alias halt ~account/special/halt' to the .cshrc of
account :)
I would expect the same to apply to 'shutdown' - I'm just in
too much of a hurry to use it :)