Subject: Re: CD Writers & Zip drives
To: S.J. Borrill <>
From: Robert Black <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/01/1997 19:16:22
On Aug 1,  5:28pm, S.J. Borrill wrote:
> Subject: CD Writers & Zip drives
> Has anyone got any experience of CD writers under RISC BSD (or even RISC
> OS at a push)? Are there any particular ones recommended or any caveats in
> their use?

Given the performance of the SCSI drivers under RiscBSD I quite frankly doubt
it. CD writers work best under single-tasking OSes because if you interrupt
their data flow they tend to ruin CDs. I do know people who use Linux (i386)
for doing CD-writing but they tend to do it in single-user mode.

After the trouble we've had trying to find a reliable SGI CDROM-writer I would
recommend either doing the writing under RiscOS or getting one which has a
built-in harddisk which you copy the image to and then tell the writer to get
on with things (these tend to be expensive though).

> Also, I see that ARM Linux has support for parallel Zip drives. Has there
> been any progress on parallel Zip drivers for RiscBSD?

I don't think that anyone with the ability and inclination to write a driver
has one, so no. The SCSI variety should work though.

