Subject: Stability II
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Cowdery <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/09/1997 18:38:04
	Thanks for the comments on the kernel stablilty problems I've
been having. I binned my 8Mb SIMM, leaving a 32Mb SIMM, and it all
sprang into life!. So that's OK now. (I'm using kernel Voyager 5328)
The problems that are still there now are:

1) PS doesn't work, it gives the error 'proc size mismatch .....'
   Do I need to download something else?.

2) I do get problems when running X, I get a few process failures
   which report the process as being called 'pr'. They are the sort
   of failures that give a dump of the process status.

3) The device wd0 misses interrupts.

And finally, how do I configure tty01 so I can connect a dumb
terminal to it?.

Many thanks,

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