Subject: Re: Compiling the GIMP
To: None <>
From: Thomas Boroske <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/08/1997 04:47:03
In message <> you wrote:

> I just thought I'd let you know my experience with
> this. I hadn't yet tried to compile anything this big
> on RiscBSD. It was remarkably easy.

That's good news. I had a look at it a few months ago, but at that time
it was still using Motif, IIRC, although the GIMP homepage already said 
that they would move over to a different (freely available) toolset soon.

> If you every wondered if there were any good free
> painting packages under X stop looking now !

Yes, I've heard it's pretty good. It's also got very interesting functions
for automatic image creation, a sort of script language AFAIK.

ATM, I'm waiting for an update of the kernel to give true SA performance
and better SCSI performance before I try anything serious. At this 
stage RiscBSD is just to slow for anything but playing 
(not to mention the fact that I've slightly corrupted my installation, 
ie the kernels I use either don't support the CDOM or are unable to 
run 'ps'. I've realized some of the errors I made now, perhaps I'll 
have another go in a week or so).

Kind regards,

Thomas Boroske