Subject: Re: ps problem
To: RiscBSD mailing list <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rich 'Wolflord' Bradshaw <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 04/29/1997 19:45:38
On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, Jasper Wallace wrote:

> On Tue, 29 Apr 1997, Bevis Peters wrote:
> > So, my latest RBSD is all working, even to a VT320 terminal on our roof so
> > I can sunbathe and work :). However, 'ps' (and 'w') give a 'proc size mismatch'
> > error. Now I have the latest VOY kernel in /netbsd and in the bootloader on
> > my RPC600 machine. I've looked in the archives a bit but can't find anything
> > on this.
> ps, w, top, systat, and one or two other i beleive all read infomation from
> the running kernel using kernel virtual memory or kvm - if you look in
> /var/run/ there is a file called which tells the vairous programs
> that use the kvm interface where to get the information in the kernels
> memory. if this file gets out of date with the kernel your running
> (sometimes caused by the kernel you booted with and /netbsd being different)
> then ps and friends don't work... to fix this:
> make sure /netbsd and the kernel you booted from are identical
> as root do:
> rm -f /var/db/kvm.db
> kvm_mkdb

I've just tried recompiling my own kernel and something which didn't occur
to me until after I'd done it.

Don't strip the kernel ;-)

It gives the same errors as above..


  _    _  _____  __    ____  __    _____  ____  ____ 
 ( \/\/ )(  _  )(  )  ( ___)(  )  (  _  )(  _ \(  _ \   I'll try anything
  )    (  )(_)(  )(__  )__)  )(__  )(_)(  )   / )(_) )  once too often...
 (__/\__)(_____)(____)(__)  (____)(_____)(_)\_)(____/