Subject: 'make build' under RiscBSD
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel Brown <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/31/1997 14:41:08
Dear folks,

In an attempt to bring my installation of RiscBSD vaguely up-to-date (I'm
finding that current kernels don't like too much my Atomwide Ether3
podule), I had a go at sup'ing, then rebuilding the entire system from the
ground up via 'make build', using freshly compiled make, and the like.

Unfortunately, without complete success - the 'make cleandir' stage failed
in /src/sys/arch/arm32, and an attempt to redo the libraries ended up with
libc trying to compile the -pic version of itself.

I'm wondering if 'make build' is supported under 'arm32', and if not,
if there's a different accepted means of remaking userland.

