Subject: RBSD probs...
To: RiscBSD Mailing List <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Naulls <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/28/1997 22:44:20
Just a few probs once again, no doubt somebody can help:

Attemping to install RiscBSD on a friend's HD - using same procedure and
kernel.. etc, etc as when I it did on mine, but when it gets to the 
disklabel part of the install script I get:

/dev/rwd1a: Device not configured  (IIRC)  

No doubt I've missed something else, though can't imagine what.

Despite having finally gotten round to installing the patch sets (all 3)
I get when running top:

top: panic: nswapmap goof

Cryptic huh? :)

And finally, a general NetBSD question - how do I get another computer to
log in over the serial port.  I realise I have to edit /etc/ttys, but
what else?   and is there a way of dynamically doing this, so I can swap
between using modem and this?

I still haven't been able to get X to start in 800x600x32k btw - comes up
with a display which has the wrong scan rate, and is generally screwed.

thanks, Peter

| Peter Naulls                            | Acorn Risc PC 700  *ARM Powered*  |
|                      | Porting Java & Sather for Risc OS |
|  | Co-editor of Acorn archive list   |
| Phone 64-7-856-4562                     | Computer consultancy              |
| The meaning of life:  3.5               | Web page design                   |
  Senders of unsolicited email agree to send me NZ$100 for wasting my time