Subject: Re: Networking questions?
To: Robert Black <>
From: Dave J Thorn <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 03/10/1997 17:57:15
On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Robert Black wrote:

> On Mar 10,  3:20pm, Mike Clark wrote:
> > Subject: Networking questions?

[ Snipped ]

> IIRC there is a wee bug in the I-cubed driver which means on some machines you
> have to configure the device under RiscOS before booting RiscBSD to get it to
> work. Check whether the card is getting probed (look in the boot messages for a
> line refering to your ethernet card).
Ummm, with mine (EtherH cad, bought around January) I can only use 
Kernels up to and including 4740 in this way. If I just do an ehtest or 
whatever under RiscOS first it will work 99.9 % of the time, apart from 
all sorts of messages eg eh: no carrier , ehstart : failed to load packet 
etc etc etc. If I don't use the card under RiscOS it almost always fails 
to work. 

All later kernels find the card but claim that podule8: not configured 
(as the unsupported HiVision card does).

Any ideas anyone when any newer kernels may appear ?

