Subject: Re: Latex.
To: RiscBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 02/15/1997 15:48:21
> Yep, I've compiled it (it does work pretty much everything out itself) 
> and have come up with a set... I just waiting until I can format enough 
> floppies on the PCs in here to transfer it (4 computers at once at 3am 
> job, I think :-)). It needs 11 floppies.

Sounds grim!

> It also shoves all its files in /usr/local/lib/teTeX, so I've put a 
> script in to create the links (since you can't do ln -s 
> /usr/local/teTeX/bin/*/* /usr/local/bin/ in a tar file :-)). I hope thats 
> the right way to do it...

Why not just leave them in /usr/local/teTeX/bin and add said directory
to PATH ?
