Subject: Re: RapIDE32 support under RiscBSD
To: NetBSD port-arm32 <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven Newbury <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/28/1997 11:33:41
The RapIDE support makes a incredible difference to the performance!
However I have noticed that the kernel sometimes hangs on booting a exiting.
I assume that as the driver is beta-release that the stability is going to 
improve, but will it get any faster?

Is the DMA enabled, the RISC OS driver hasn't got it!  If so, does this mean
that drive transfer time will be better in RiscBSD than it is currently in RISC 

By the way is there a new parameter for setting up the ramdisc since it's become
md rather than rd.
Steven Newbury | | Risc PC,StrongARM,42Mb,RapIDE32
HND Student    | Comp. Systems Engineering  | AMD 5x86,RiscBSD 1.2B,Lark A16