Subject: ANNOUNCE: New test kernels
To: NetBSD port-arm32 <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mark Brinicombe <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/27/1997 04:29:45
   Ok A couple of new test kernels voy-4956 and sa110-4956 are now online.
Both of these have a working csc driver (a updated csc.o file went online
earlier this week).

The new bits in these kernels are new IDE drivers.
A prototpye ICS ide driver was available defore Christmas. This has been
tidied up and will be committed to the source tree in a few days. A new
version of this is in these kernels.


At last I am pleased to announce that RiscBSD has support for the RapIDE
podule. In then end I had to buy a podule etc. but I have finally
received programming information from the podule's designer.
This device driver supports both  the primary and secondary connectors
and will do 32 bit data xfers to and from the podule.

These kernsl do not have ATAPI support built in at the moment and the ICS
IDE and RapIDE drivers should be concidered as beta stage drivers. I have
done basic testing with both and have HD's mounted under both RiscOS and
RiscBSD that are working happily with the driver.
Note: unxifs also works fine with these interfaces.
