Subject: Re: This is BIZARRE!
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Markus Baeurle <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/25/1997 19:18:59
Hi Stephen!

In message <>
          Stephen Crocker <> wrote:

> In message <> you wrote:
> > I have had reasonable success with RiscBSD, but I'm unable to install it on
> > my Proteus.  It detects the drive, using fictitious geometry, formats it
> > into Root and Usr partitions (but not a swap, for some reason) and then
> > complains about running out of space!  Why could this be?
> Actually, it's now installed the files, but won't boot from them!  Even
> stranger!

What do you mean by "won't boot from them"? Be more precise, please!

And, erm, I don't want to insult you but I think you are bizarre, too. ;-)
I mean I also have a Proteus and it's very slow compared to a harddisk. It's a
nice backup medium but you must be able to stand a lot if you want to use it as
the primary storage for a UNIX system.
It starts with the amount of RAM you have. If it's less than 32 MB you have a
good chance that RiscBSD will use the swap partition on the Proteus as virtual
memory sooner or later! Now this is a bizarre way to use a Proteus! ;-)
Can't you spare at least 50 MB on your harddisk? You might put the usr partition on a Proteus and still have a usable system but the root and swap partition should really be on a harddisk.
This still won't be ideal though and RiscBSD should normally be completely on a harddisk or a medium which is as fast as one (JAZ for example).

So long, Markus