Subject: Re: stupid question
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: The one and only Adrian! <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/22/1997 15:59:27
On Tue, 21 Jan 1997, Puneet Kumar wrote:

> This might sound like the stupidest question on earth, but being 
> new to the RiscOS world (like 4 hours old) I am running out of ideas: 
> I am following the README file for installing a RiscBSD kernel on a
> machine running RiscOS.  I am at the point where I have !gzip 
> from hensa and I have a inst-12.fs.gz file but I can't seem to 
> convince the system to decompress the file for me!  What are the
> magic mouse clicks required to achieve this?  I have tried selecting
> the /gz file and double clicking on the !gzip application icon etc. etc. 
> Any hints? 

The best thing would probably be to run !Gzip, and then drag the 
inst-12.fs.gz file onto the Gzip icon on the iconbar. Make sure that you 
have the options set to "unzip" or "reverse" as opposed to "zip".
However, if this is giving you problems you're going to have a great time 
actually installing and maintaining an entire UNIX OS. I haven't even 
tried installing it until I've got an entire weekend spare.
