Subject: Re: stupid question
To: RiscBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/22/1997 10:57:00
> This might sound like the stupidest question on earth, but being 
> new to the RiscOS world (like 4 hours old) I am running out of ideas: 
> I am following the README file for installing a RiscBSD kernel on a
> machine running RiscOS.  I am at the point where I have !gzip 
> from hensa and I have a inst-12.fs.gz file but I can't seem to 
> convince the system to decompress the file for me!  What are the
> magic mouse clicks required to achieve this?  I have tried selecting
> the /gz file and double clicking on the !gzip application icon etc. etc. 
> Any hints? 
> 				-- Puneet

Cunningly avoiding any clicks, from memory somewhere inside the
directory !gzip should be the gzip binary, then a
*gzip -d inst-12.fs.gz
should do what you expect barring creating a few directories to take
into account all the dots...
