Subject: Re: Error: Shortage of L1 Pages
To: None <>
From: James Porritt <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/08/1997 12:44:21
Recently you wrote:

> Hi!
> I just installed BSD 1.2 from the RiscDisc 3 with Kernel SA4871.
> I have SA110, 24MB Ram, PowerTecSCSI, 2.1GB SCSI drive (last 1.2GB for
> BSD). Often when I'm starting X there are messages 
>   'Possible process deadlock caused by shortage of L1 page tables' (or
> something like this). Sometimes the message 'Message repeated X times' or
> so. Short after these messages the system hangs. When I'm shutting down BSD
> very fast I have the chance to stop BSD correct. What is the prob there?

Increase the number of processes in the RiscBSD Boot Loader configuration

James (Poz) Porritt - 2nd year CompSci at Durham University
Creator of