Subject: Re: Re: New FAQ
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 01/05/1997 12:41:12
> > 1) An up-to-date list of available sets together with 1-line description
> > and uncompressed size. Does anyone fancy doing this, please ? Not having
> > my own installation yet I cannot work out the uncompressed size without a
> > lot of hassle. 

An up-to-date list is only achievable if you run everyday a script on the 
ftp-server which scanns the directory and process all *.set files to get the 
information. It is possible but must be done by mark. A similar script was 
written by me for my system an it generates the "Ported Soft" page on my 

> Erm this needs doing. My only suggestion would be to look at all the .set 
> files in the 1.2-release and 1.2-contrib directories.
> > 3) Does povray run correctly yet ? I recall that it used to coredump. 

No ! The problem is that gcc is still not able to compile it correct. I used 
gdb to see what could be changed, but it looked to complex for me :(
The compiled binary crashes on calculating line 24 of blob.pov.
The problem is in the sub "intersection elimination"

> > 4) Does someone fancy doing some timing tests on the FP performance under
> > StrongARM ? The question on FP performance really ought to have a MFLOPS
> > figure to quantify it.

see the benchmarks posted some times before here

> > 7) Is there any 16-bit sound support yet - either a simple beep or full
> > audio ?
> The beep waveform can be adjusted for 16bit so you get a proper beep on 
> 16-bit sound cards.
> The audio system needs looking at and overhaulling.

Ciao, Peter

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