Subject: FAQ maintainer
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Amit Gupta <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 12/04/1996 15:12:12
We haven't had an FAQ for a while. Talking of which : 

The thought occurred to me recently that maintaining the FAQ is something
which could be done by a volunteer. The idea is that someone would
volunteer to look after the FAQ and send it to the group once a fortnight
(or once a week, or whatever). They would keep a watch on the mailing list
and update the contents of the FAQ appropriately (e.g. when a new kernel
is released, bug is fixed, set is added etc.) In the time between postings
they would also liase with kernel team members to get answers to any other

Needless to say, I volunteer :-) I'm away for three weeks from this Friday
but after that I'm back in Cambridge pretty much permanently. I guess Mark
has better things to do with his time than trying to keep the FAQ
up-to-date. Does anyone think this is a good/bad idea ? 
