Subject: Unixfs / Kernel Config
To: RiscBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Howard <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/23/1996 08:11:34
Goog morning all,

Thanks again for all the help regarding file transfer / unixfs.  I'll just have to re-partition the disc.

In the meantime regarding Kernel config (which brought about my query in the fisrt place) I have transfered the sys source tree from NetBSD-current and the netbsd-patches using floppys.

They extracted without problem but the sys.kern patches all seem to fail with rejects.  The original files are newer than the patches, does this means that I do not need to apply them?

Mick Howard : Herford (++49 5221 270783)