Subject: Unixfs / Kernel Config
To: RiscBSD <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Howard <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/23/1996 09:05:54
Goog morning all,
Thanks again for all the help regarding file transfer / unixfs. I'll just have to re-partition the disc.
In the meantime regarding Kernel configuration (which brought about my query in the fisrt place), I hve the following probs;
I have transfered the sys source tree and config from NetBSD-current and the netbsd-patches using floppys.
They extracted without problem but the sys.kern patches all seem to fail with rejects.
The original files are newer than the patch files, does this mean that I do not need to apply them?
The inode patch worked fine.
I edited the GENERIC config file but when running the config command on the new file, using my machine name,
I received the following errors;
HOMIX:5: cannot open ....std.arm32 for reading:
HOMIX:9: syntax error
HOMIX:9: cannot proceed without machine specifier
The std.arm32 file exists with the following permissions (-rw-r--r--).
In an earlier response Mark (Brinicombe) said I would need the general patches to the config
but as there weren't any in the netbsd-patches file I haven't applied any. Do they exist elsewhere?
I assume the 2nd & 3rd errors are caused as a result of the 1st error.
And finally...
I still haven't achieved a native boot. I copied a kernel to /netbsd and selected the native boot option.
Every time I boot I get the error;
bad filecore bootblock
Filecore boot block checksum failed
This is the same message I was receiving whilst attempting to use unixfs, is this problem also related to the fact that I'm using a dedicated disc for the partition? Or am I being extremely thick today? What's new you might ask.
Any help much appreciated.
Cheers Mick.