Subject: Re: RiscPC_bootphase
To: Robert Black <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/19/1996 14:10:11
> Right, this is certainly possible. PCs boot their OS from disk so lilo just
> replaces the first level of OS bootstrap on disk. RiscOS boots from ROM so to
> bypass RiscOS we'd need to blow some replacement ROMs. As RiscOS is copyright
> ART we wouldn't be able to include it in the replacement ROMs. We do not have
> the equipment or organisation to do this so we would need quite a large amount
> of interest to make it econimcally feasible.

I don't think you'll get a large amount of this, because then everybody who 
has made it, will never be able to use his(her?) RiscOS *and* Windows 
applications. To this looks not like a best solutionto me.
Has anyone yet spoken to ART about a modification of their bootsequence ?
If we can make ART to implement a HD seek procedure into RiscOS which checks 
the bootsector of *any* harddrive/floppy, this would be the best solution.
I would't say that this is to complicated, it only depends on how cooperative 
ART will be.

Ciao, Peter

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