Subject: Curious ???
To: 'Scott Stevens' <>
From: Mirko VIDOVIC <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/19/1996 14:33:32
Scott Stevens ( wrote :
> > >The csc driver doesn't change the card termination settings that
> > >RiscOS sets up. Try terminating the bus (externally to see if things
> > >improve.
> > Well well well : I put both an external and an internal terminator and 
>Do you have a *physical* terminate internal as well as the card's
>termination, if so this could mean you have 3 terminators on the bus
>(not good).
Well : I have a physical external one, and I also connected one at the end 
of the empty internal nap (I don't remember the correct English word, sorry 
:-( in fact, instead of connected an internal SCSIdrive to it, I just 
physically closed it with a terminator.)...

> > now have a funny scrolling message (too fact to be read) When it 
> > yesterday I could read something like "SCSI reset from Bus" or

>This seems to occur when the bus is empty *and* badly temrinated.

> > I can't even get to prompt, now. What can I do ??? Help !!!!
>1. check your termination
>2. put it back to how it was and live with the pause ;-)

So, you mean I should remove the internal one ?
What about the RiscOS configuration of the Cumana SCSI manager which seems 
to write directly my podule's EPROM ???

Thanks for your help

| |
| 26M Risc PC   -   StrongARM 110   -   Risc OS + Risc BSD |
|    2Go HD     -    8x ATAPI CD    -      PowerWave 50s   |
|      Zip      -     PC(shit!)     -      Cumana SCSI2    |