Subject: Re: beta 1.2 questions
To: Ian Giblin <>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/13/1996 21:43:13
On Wed, 13 Nov 1996, Ian Giblin wrote:

> The machine runs OK in unix multi-user command-line mode with the only
> errors coming from the missing /netbsd directory (that one is in the
> FAQ - no problem). If I am root and change my 'path' variable to
> include the X11R6.1 binaries, I can use the command 'xstart' to start
> the X system. It runs OK but I don't really have any experience with
> X, only OpenWindows on a Sun Sparc. I'll experiment before asking
> any specific questions about using X.

/netbsd is not a directory - it's a copy of the kernel. OpenWindows is X
windows - with a different window manager - you might like to get olvwm -
see for more info

> A few questions...
> 1. If a set is unavailable for (say) beta 1.2, will the beta 1.1 set
> be the next best thing? Or will it not work at all? In this case I'm
> talking about 'kern' which is nominally one of the 'required' sets
> but I can't find it in beta 1.2. Also I would like emacs.

you don't need the kern set if you've got a copy of the kernel in /netbsd

> 2. Although I installed the X man set, the man pages are unavailable
> because the entry in /etc/man.conf refers to /usr/X11R6 rather than
> /usr/X11R6.1. To fix this temporarily I renamed the X directory to
> X11R6 because I haven't learnt how to use 'vi' yet! When I did that, I
> could get help on X using man. Was this error due to some mistake I
> made in the set installation?

	This is not your problem - it should be set in man.conf but isn't
due to the many differetn versions of X flying about.

> 3. Generally, how useful are unix system administration books when it
> comes to maintaining RiscBSD? I need something but I can't quite see
> how much of RiscBSD is really like vanilla unix (if such a thing
> exists). If anyone has bought/borrowed/stolen one and found it to be
> very useful, please tell me the details!

	Unix For dummies is good for beginers - it has a good section on vi
- otherwise try to get books that are BSD flavored rather than SVR$ and
linux. Look around on the netthere is _a lot_ of usefull information - I
must rember to keep/create a good RiscBSD related bookmark list.

> 4. Is it dangerous to do system admin via unixfs in the RISC OS
> desktop? I only have experience of emacs as a unix editor and vi
> scares the willies out of me. I would like to install emacs but it's
> not in the beta 1.2 sets (yet?). Unixfs was a real bonus when
> installing sets which I had downloaded since I could avoid using
> floppies.

no not dangerous. instead of emacs get jmacs it's much smaller and faster
(with much less features) but works fine.

Jasper Wallace-Internet Vision | Caving-Acorn-RiscBSD-Chocolate-Banks-Fish
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