Subject: !BtRiscBSD screen mode
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Vincent Lefevre <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/11/1996 23:11:55
How can I boot RiscBSD in screen mode 800x624x256?
If I choose this mode in !BtRiscBSD configuration window, I can't see
anything as soon as the boot starts.

Note: I have a MDF that accepts such a mode in both
Boot:Resources.Configure.Monitors and /usr/local/etc/monitors


Vincent Lefevre, | Acorn Risc PC, StrongARM @ 202MHz      | 20+1MB RAM, Eagle M2, TV + Teletext
PhD in Computer Science, 1st year     | Apple CD-300, SyQuest 270MB (SCSI)