Subject: Re: Benchmarks
To: Ale Terlevich <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/11/1996 13:09:31
<fixed>>   Here's a side by side comparison of the two systems.


> 					   Arm7/40       SA110/200


> Pipe-based Context Switching Test           644.8 lps      372.2 lps

> Process Creation Test                        47.0 lps       16.4 lps

> Execl Throughput Test                        50.7 lps       16.6 lps

> C Compiler Test                              16.3 lpm       13.9 lpm 

I must say I'm a little bit disappointed ! The most I do on my system is to 
compile some stuff, and now it should be slower then at the moment it is on my 
systen ?!

> Shell scripts (1 concurrent)                 31.6 lpm       23.3 lpm   

> Shell scripts (2 concurrent)                 13.0 lpm       10.3 lpm   

> Shell scripts (4 concurrent)                  6.0 lpm        4.0 lpm

> Shell scripts (8 concurrent)                  2.6 lpm        1.0 lpm 

> Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places           1234.6 lpm      462.1 lpm 

Can someone explain me why all these tests are slower on a SA110 then on my 
ARM710 ?

The next question:

Why were floatingpoint operations in *all* kernels newer then #3854 only half 
as fast as in kernel #3854 ?

Here are the results for float with this kernel ?


Arithmetic Test (type = float)              212.3 lps   (10 secs, 6 samples)

Arithmetic Test (type = double)             202.8 lps   (10 secs, 6 samples)


Arithmetic Test (type = float)              106.9 lps   (10 secs, 6 samples)

Arithmetic Test (type = double)             109.9 lps   (10 secs, 6 samples)


Ciao, Peter

 _____  _          ____   _____ _____  

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