Subject: Re: CD Roms
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom Hughes <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/07/1996 16:53:06
In message <>
 (Alex McLintock) wrote:

> I heard last night that all the 1.2 CD Roms at the show went very
> quickly. Does  anyoen have a timescale for the next batch? Can anyone in
> Cambridge lend me one?

AFAIK there weren't any at the show. That was the gist of Mark's
mail before the show wasn't it? If there were some there then I'm
going to be seriously peeved because I would have gone and got one
from Mark on Thursday or first thing Friday if I'd known...


Tom Hughes (
...Never take a drink when you are feeling sorry for yourself.