Subject: Re: Re: HTML3.2 browser for RiscPC ?
To: Markus Baeurle <>
From: Peter Berg <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 11/02/1996 11:35:48
> Hello Peter!
> In message <>
>           Peter Berg <> wrote:
> > does anyone know a webbrowser for RiscBSD or RiscOS which can display tables
> > and backgroundimages correct ?
> There is Mosaic 2.8 alpha now, a complete rewrite. This is supposed to conform
> to HTML 3.2 but is very alpha, ie. there are no features other than rendering
> of HTML, no ftp, no bookmarks, saving of pages, nothing...

This isn't very good, but if it can display full HTML 3.2 (and background 
pics) I think I can live with it ATMO.

> > I read somewhere mosaic 2.7b5 should be able to do this but I never saw the 
> > source on any ftp side nor I have motif to compile it.
> Hmm, I doubt this. Did you check the Mosaic homepages?

Yes I did. I too saw nothing about this on these pages but I remember I read 
something like that somewhere, but forgot where.
Anyway, mosaic v2.x for windows does all of them, I don't understand why there 
shouldn't be a similar version for UNIX ?!

> > Arena is no solution, it can't do this and is terrible slow because heavy fp 
> > use.
> Mosaic 2.8 is even more spartanic.

More spartanic then arena ? This must be a joke ;)
> Anyway, would anybody with a Motif license like to compile these?
> I can supply the source or point to a ftp site which has them.
> -Mosaic, latest "normal" version ie 2.7b5 or so
> -LLNL-xftp, a nice X-based ftp client
> -GIMP, image processing program

I see we both have the same source laying around on our harddrive, but no 
motif to make a running binary from it ;(
I tried it with lesstif, but it seems they have optimized everything to 
rubbish again with the current tree.
A earlier version looked nearly perfect, but without interaction. Now you get 
only sh.. if you use it :(

Ciao, Peter

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