Subject: EtherH driver patch
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jasper Wallace <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/25/1996 14:47:37
I've been fiddling with the etherH driver to the extent that it nolonger
hangs the machine but prints out incrompensible debugging messages[1] instead.
It also corrupts (some) packets. I've mailed the diff's to Mark. In the
meantime if anyone wants a copy of the kernal I'm using to test it mail me
and I'll send you a copy (If your mailer dosn't like large mails please
specify the max. size).

The kernal only has EtherH and PowerTec SCSI drivers, lo0 and tun0, i.e. ppp
and slip are missing. If this is usefull to anyone It would be nice to get
someother people testing it - In particulary if the debugging stuff below
difers in any way apart from the spl level being 6 (The only difference I've
seen are a spl level of 6 or 7  - The problem (if I understand it corrently)
only occours with a status of 18 and a type of 16).

EHDEBUG: Remote 16 wasn't finished : spl level 7
EHDEBUG: SetReg done : status 18 : type 16
EHDEBUG: COM_WRITE : About to SetReg ( EH_DATA_PORT, dummy );
ehstart: failed to load packet
(See I told you they where incromprehinsible)

Jasper Wallace-Internet Vision | Caving-Acorn-RiscBSD-Chocolate-Banks-Fish
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