Subject: Re: unixfs and Connect32
To: Boris Boesler <>
From: Scott Stevens <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 10/15/1996 12:07:44
Boris Boesler writes:
 > Hi!
 >  Sorry, but I wrote nonsense. I tried
 > unixfs_mount 403e3
 > to mount the root partition and got:
 > Unknown partition type
 > Bombing out...
 > 10
 > Unkonwn partition type
 >  As far as I can see the RiscBSD partition identifier (0x42) is
 > at the right place (offset 0xdfc).

I've not tried unixfs with a connect32 and so don't know what
partitioning scheme it uses. have you written a disklabel?

 > Any hints?

Check the swi base. The format of the device identifier give to
unixfs_mount is

(swibase & ~0x3f) | (drive << 3) | partition

You example would use swibase

403c0 as the swibase, 4 as the drive and access partition d

 > Boris

PS Usual caveats apply.

cheers Scott

Scott Stevens, Network Services Group, Computer Centre, Imperial College
Chandler: "Could we get some help here? It's kind of an emergency. But I
guess you knew that, or else we'd be in the Predicament Room."  - Friends