Subject: Re: EtherH Cards (fwd)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ale Terlevich <A.I.Terlevich@DURHAM.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 08/22/1996 16:55:19
> I get a much worse transfer rate though. When FTPing, I got almost 200kB/s
> with an Ether3. I struggle to get 60kB/s with an EtherH.

 Hmm. I get rather varying results, from 60kB/s to 370kB/s.

   When doing a get from another workstation in the office onto my
RiscPC I get loads of eh: no carrier errors. The more I get the slower
it goes. When writing I get more variety...

eh: Interrupt not serviced
eh: Receive Error: packet received intact (this should happen)
eh: no carrier

 but I do seem to get less of them, allowing transfer rates up to 350kB/s

  Interestingly enough, netstat -i doesn't seem to report any output errors.

garp:/etc> netstat -i
Name  Mtu   Network     Address              Ipkts Ierrs    Opkts Oerrs  Coll
eh0   1500  <Link>      0.0.a4.0.45.b1       77732     0    89352  1281 60220
eh0   1500  129.234       77732     0    89352  1281 60220
lo0   32768 <Link>                              26     0       26     0     0
lo0   32768 127         localhost               26     0       26     0     0
