Subject: Re: FYI old gcc prob
To: None <>
From: Patrick Welche <prlw1@CUS.CAM.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/21/1996 20:49:30
> Compiling imagemagick is not easy, because gcc2.6.3 and gcc2.7.2 are not able to
> compile the stuff. Both abort the compilation, but every compiler at a different
> point of compilation.

I guess I must have been lucky in comparison! I just had to go down
from O3 to O1 for the display.c file, still sticking with gcc 2.7.2. I
suppose my main reason for posting is that I still don't trust the
compiler - all that business with random error messages when running
out of memory, and getting gnuplot_x11 to work without actually having
found an error within the code, just changing a global to a local
variable fixed the bus error, but I don't see a reason for having done
it. I just wonder whether fixes are being applied to the 1.1beta
compiler sets, or only to the 1.2alpha comp set, or at all!

> I think within the next 4 weeks I will do the upload again, last time I did it, my
> X-server died during the upload :-((

If you like I can put up what I've got (this is with jpeg, tiff, png,
zlib) though I might try to add mpeg and this evening (tiff was tricky
too), and at the moment I'm stuck with a segmentation fault in povray -
hence doubts about compiler!

Best wishes,
