Subject: Re: install problem solved!!!
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG, aidounif@SPEEDY.GROLIER.FR>
From: Alex McLintock <Alex.McLintock@CHADWYCK.CO.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/15/1996 08:48:57
> A last question(I hope so!) , I've got a french keyboard, and I want to 
> switch RiscBSD to handle my keyboard map... How (if possible) do I manage 
> to do this????
     Dare I suggest buy a unix book which goes into termcap in great 
     detail. Define a new terminal capabilities file. And once you have 
     defined the alternative termcap file supply it to Mark for inclusion 
     in the standard distribution.
     But before you do that paint a large X on the wall for banging your 
     head against.
     Actually I think what you need is an appropriate termcap file - which 
     I hope someone else has already created. 