Subject: Fireballs / New Q for the FAQ (was Re: Install problem!!!)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ciaran Wills <cjw@DCS.ED.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/12/1996 13:07:05
Robert Black writes:


rob> Oh dear, someone else with a fireball... I have a fireball and it
rob> gives me all sorts of problems under RiscBSD (it seems to be too
rob> fast for the driver and tickles every race condition in sight). I
rob> can't get RiscOS to talk to it at all (probably my master causing
rob> trouble). The good news is that as I have one of these drives the
rob> problems *will* get fixed :)

>> My goal was to install RiscBSD 1.1beta on the FIREBALL after the
>> Risc OS partition so I run BB_RISCBSD and tell it I want to start
>> my RiscBSD partition at cyl.  1024.  After that, I made the root
>> floppy as said in the install guide, ran
rob> BtRiscBSD
>> with kernel 4163.

rob> Right, the fireball just plain doesn't work (reliably hangs in
rob> disk access) with kernels prior to about atapi-4281. Try using
rob> atapi-4339.

Hmm.  I've been using a 1.2Gb Fireball for 6 months now and I've never
had a single problem with it, using various kernels dating from about
Christmas.  It runs as slave to a Connor CFS540 and is entirely native
RiscBSD - RiscOS has never touched it.