Subject: VRML & openGL
To: <>
From: Alex McLintock <Alex.McLintock@CHADWYCK.CO.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/02/1996 15:21:17
 Ok, I am now thinking of returning to VRML and the first step is to compile the 
 publically available code.
 1) Is anyone out there doing VRML browsers for Acorns (either Risc OS or 
    ported to RiscBSD)? I know of one - I think Gallileo reads VRML.
 2) Is there any OpenGl support? I know very little about it so I guess 
    it is too big a task.
 3) When porting software to RiscBSD what OS do people start from? obviously 
    if there is a NetBSD version then compile that - but what are the best 