Subject: Re: First attempt partly successful (very long)
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Daniel Pead <Daniel.Pead@NOTTINGHAM.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 07/02/1996 08:56:36
On Mon 01 Jul, Kjetil Bernhard Thomassen wrote:

> My conclusion about RiscBSD so far is that it is not suitable for
> people without UNIX system administrator experience.

Isn't that a bit of a truism? After all, one would assume that anybody
trying to install a beta version of a freeware UNIX implementation would
either have UNIX system administration experience or would be eager to
learn the hard way (I'm a firm believer in vertical learning curves!).

However, I do think that at some stage the RISCBSD team should consider
'freezing' development for a month or so while they catch up on
documentation, tidying up the FTP site and CD etc.  This must be almost
impossible to do on a 'moving target'.

I'd also recommend re-writing the instructions on the assumption that
some people are going to use UNIXFS for transferring sets... I had nearly
resigned myself to buying a boxfull of floppies before I found UNIXFS!

Daniel Pead --- Shell Centre for Maths Education --- University of Nottingham
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