Subject: Re: A few questions
To: Reuben Thomas <>
From: Patrick Welche <prlw1@CUS.CAM.AC.UK>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/29/1996 16:48:32
> I've created a user called rrt, given him a home directory /home/rrt, and 
> put the .cshrc, .login and .profile files in it from /root. I've set the 
> shell to csh, and yet when I log in I get the default /etc/csh.cshrc 
> PATH. What am I doing wrong? At the moment I can't even use more &c.

How did you set the PATH, and did you put /home/rrt in the passwd file
as well as create the directory (obvious, but you never know cf

> I boot RiscBSD in 1280x1024x256, but the saved line in fastboot says 
> X1024 Y768. Why? Also, is it possible to get the display to line up 
> properly without fiddling with the monitor controls? I've set the correct 
> monitor type (AKF85) &c., but the display comes up too wide, though the 
> RISC OS display is fine. Similarly, 1024x768 comes up too narrow and too 
> far to the right.

Sometimes RiscOS and RiscBSD use different frequencies for a given
resolution. My monitor (not an AKF85) saves the size and position of
the display for each mode ie frequency, resolution combination.

> Thanks to everyone for the answers to my previous questions; I've now got 
> X up and running. Is it possible to get a vertical scrollbar on xterm to 
> view what's gone before?

Yes, but I don't remember which button! Guess control + middle mouse
button over window to which you want to add scroll bars.
