Subject: Re: ifconfig
To: None <port-arm32@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stefan Voss <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/25/1996 17:54:21
In message <>,
     Jan-Uwe Finck wrote:

> [...]
> printing : netstat -r
> always produces the normal output, but in between there appears something 
> like this :
> kvm_read : kvm_read : bad adress

I had this problem with the kernels 4187 - 4203. Mark put a new netstat
binary in the upgrades directory at that time which cured the problem.
This binary should still be there.

And please upgrade to the current 4281 kernel if you haven't yet. I got
rid of all networking problems with this kernel.

> Jan-Uwe

Stefan Voss