Subject: Re: Which ethernet card ??
To: Mark Brinicombe <>
From: Aidan Corey <>
List: port-arm32
Date: 06/22/1996 22:55:30
Mark Brinicombe wrote:
> Right well the only dual connector card I have tried is the i-cubed EtherH
> card.
> Currently RiscBSD only supports the 10-base2 though support for the 10-baseT 
> is
> on the todo list.

I use RiscBSD with an EtherH card and a 10baseT connection.  At least,
I did until my harddisk died yesterday :-(

A friend has used RiscBSD and EtherH with a 10base2 connection.  Of
course, I don't know is what would happen if you tried to use both
connectors simultaneously.  I expect the hardware doesn't support
that.  Certainly the RISC OS driver doesn't allow you to make use of
it if it does.

There seems to be some variation among EtherH cards - is it possible
that 10baseT support only works for some of them?  I was told that
RiscBSD would have problems with EtherH cards bought as part of Acorn
Access+ packages, but that has never been the case for me.

Does anyone know why RiscBSD sets the card's MAC address (is that
right?) differently to RISC OS?  I'm wondering if problems I'm having
with a linux box on my local ethernet are something to do with this.
It refuses to ping or respond to pings from my computer if I've just
switched from RiscBSD to RISC OS, until my computer expires from its
ARP cache.  Strangely, the ARP entry is correct - when I ping the
linux box from RISC OS, the RiscBSD entry is removed from the linux
box's cache and replaced with the RISC OS entry.  It still doesn't
reply.  I would investigate further, say by changing the address
RiscBSD gives the card to match RISC OS, but I can't right now :-(
