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Re: How do you install/refresh a cross-compiled distribution into a device ?

If anybody has the same problem: I solved compiling then copying the sets.

See relevant discussion in the "netbsd-users%netbsd.org@localhost" mailing list, same day as this message.


On Wed-09-Oct-2024 15:21, Dr. Nicola Mingotti wrote:

I am trying to cross-compile CURRENT and installing it on a BeagleBone Black / RPI.

The cross compilation part is ok.

Now I have a problem, how to move efficiently all the distribution files
the the BBB ? The kernel is not a problem.

I have tried "./build.sh xxx install=/" on a machine that is big enough
to compile its system quickly-enough, and it worked well. I thought
it would have been a nice idea to try to adapt that procedure,
admittedly, without understanding well what is going on under the hood.

So I tried so to export the BBB "/" via sshfs to the compiling
amd64 machine and do the same thing but I failed.

Can you please tell me how do you usually do it ?

I this moment am trying to "./build.sh xxxx distsets", which I think
will give me a list of *.tgz files, then my plan is to expand them on the
device and overwrite what is there already.

please let me know


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