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Re: pkgin needs root permission on arm64?

On Sat, 2024-07-20 at 19:11 -0500, Ted Spradley wrote:
> I just stumbled on something that surprised me. On amd64 I can do
> 'pkgin list' or 'pkgin search' as my ordinary user, but on OrangePi
> 5+
> it requires root permission, and the error message is not very
> helpful.
> Is there something I'm not understanding?

It sounds like a file permission problem on the SQLite database that
pkgin uses. Compare the output from "ls -la /var/db/pkgin/" on the two

Also double check that you are running the same version of pkgin on
both systems with "pkg_info pkgin" because there might just be a bug in

Ngā mihi,

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