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Re: Fwd: NetBSD on rpi0-2w

asbatwrk%gmail.com@localhost (Andrew Ball) writes:

>Hello Michael,

>  MvE> There is also the conflict between bluetooth and console.  Both
>     > want the "full" UART for performance (FIFO) and constant baud-
>     > rate.  You have to chose between several compromises.

>    Is this just on the Zero 2 W or on other Raspberry Pi boards too?
>I've been thinking of picking up some 3A+ boards for WiFi and Blue-
>tooth experiments.

That's on rpi0-4, not sure about rpi5.

On rpi0-3, you only have two UARTs, one has no FIFO and may change

On rpi4 there are 4 more UARTs, but their usage is limited, so
you cannot use these for Bluetooth or as regular console.

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