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Re: raspberry pi Zero W reboots and kernel panic


El 6/8/23 a las 17:35, John Klos escribió:
Just to add more information and to discard a hardware failure as the culprit of the crashes, I flashed into the SD card a previously used copy of Raspian Linux system and worked without any crashes during 2 days uncompressing pkgsrc tree and also doing a CVS checkout of the sources several times.

It might be worth considering the possibility that wireless drivers are just not that great for the Raspberry Pis, both in NetBSD and in certain Linux distros.

I decided a long time ago to not even try to use wifi on Raspberry Pis with NetBSD. Even with Debian, I can reliably lock up a Pi 3B+ by trying to transfer lots of data over wifi.

Perhaps you might try USB-ethernet, just to see? My Pi Zeros all run for months on end, compiling, transferring lots of data, et cetera, but over ethernet, not wifi.

Thanks John for answering.

I do not have a USB-ethernet device here to test. I have found a USB/Wireless card (official RaspberryPi). I have just plugged it in. Now there are two devices bwfm0 and bwfm1 even I only setup one of them in rc.conf:


I had manually

ifconfig bwfm0 down

to disable the internal wireless card.

raspa-netbsd# ifconfig
lo0: flags=0x8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 33176
        status: active
        inet6 ::1/128 flags 0x20<NODAD>
        inet6 fe80::1%lo0/64 flags 0 scopeid 0x1
        inet flags 0
bwfm1: flags=0x8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
ssid MiFibra-3422 nwkey 65536:"",0x0ba34372faf94501ccfb51185fa89476,"",""
        powersave off
        bssid 60:8d:26:32:34:24 chan 1
        address: a0:64:8f:55:f6:9c
        media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (OFDM54 mode 11g)
        status: active
        inet6 fe80::a264:8fff:fe55:f69c%bwfm1/64 flags 0 scopeid 0x2
        inet broadcast flags 0
bwfm0: flags=0x8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
        ssid "" nwkey 65536:"",0x0ba34372faf94501ccfb51185fa89476,"",""
        powersave off
        address: b8:27:eb:5b:ff:03
        media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (DS1 mode 11g)
        status: no network

Althoug it is the same driver I will run a test for a long time to se what happens and if it reboots.


Just a thought :)


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