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Re: NetBSD on a Pine64 SOQuartz

On Wednesday, November 23, 2022 2:08:51 PM CST you wrote:
> [did you mean to just send to me?]
> Alex Jokela <alex%camulus.com@localhost> wrote:
> > My next hurdle is NetBSD says the eMMC is read-only, which prevents me
> > from partitioning the eMMC.
> If you already have NetBSD on the eMMC module then why do you need to
> partition it?
> I would not expect an installer image on the eMMC module to let you
> modify the same device, I don't think you can use the installer for
> your system.
> Since you only have two devices, and one of them is the SD card with
> the UEFI image, you will need to write a NetBSD disk image to the
> eMMC module. On first boot it will expand itself to use the whole
> device.

Apologies for sending only to Robert.  I didn't reply-all.

I guess I wasn't exactly clear in my steps.

1) uefi on sd card, NetBSD Generic 64-bit image (https://nycdn.netbsd.org/pub/
arm/HEAD/202211221110Z/NetBSD-HEAD-aarch64-202211221110Z-generic.img.gz) on 

I get "sdmmc0: write protected"

Here's a video of what this looks like:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SS8qXK4cjw

2) NetBSD General 64-bit on sd-card and uefi on eMMC.

UEFI runs and NetBSD boots and I get to a log in prompt but the keyboard does 
not work.  I have yet to try a serial console next with setup

3) UEFI on sd-card, eMMC has been formatted and is blank, NetBSD installer ISO 
on a USB-drive

The system boots and I get to the NetBSD installation menu.  When attempting 
to partition the eMMC, I receive the same "sdmmc0: write-protected"

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