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I'm going to install netbsd on an rpi4, thanks for maintaining this image, it
let me explore the state of the current system on rpi.

I can't make the generic image to boot, the system get stack shortly
after loading the kernel.

1.0000000] cpu3: package 0, core 3, smt 0
1.0000000] gic0 at acpi0: GIC
1.0000000] armgic0 at gic0: Generic Interrupt Controller, 256 sources (247 valid)
1.0000000] armgic0: 16 Priorities, 224 SPIs, 7 PPIs, 16 SGIs
(Here stands the cursor, laughing at me)

I'm using the same firmware as you.

One thing I noticed is that with the generic image the kernel is
loaded in about 2 seconds, with yours it takes more than 10.

Is there some trick you have to do building the kernel to make it
boot that you can share, or is just a bug introduced in more recent

Your image boots ok, altough I can't make any usb audio device I have to work,
when attached:

[ 1203.8754409] uhidev3 at uhub3 port 2 configuration 1 interface 3
[ 1203.8754409] uhidev3: GeneralPlus (0x1b3f) USB Audio Device (0x2008), rev 1.10/1.00, addr 7, iclass 3/0
[ 1203.8754409] uhid6 at uhidev3: input=1, output=0, feature=0

But when some program try to use it:

[ 388.7235107] uaudio0: rintr error: IOERROR
[ 388.7335127] uaudio0: rintr error: IOERROR
[ 388.7435123] uaudio0: rintr error: IOERROR

I would recommend you to add

vchiq* at acpi?

to your kernel configuration.

Thanks again, firefox takes for ever to compile!


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