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Re: Aarch64 installer (trying to get Pinebook to run)

On 27. Dec 2021, at 10:01, Martin Husemann <martin%duskware.de@localhost> wrote:

> No, that is how EFI booting works. The kernel is on the FFS partition.
> Depending on the device you use you may have to add the proper u-boot
> to the stick (or image) - if your device does not come with preloaded EFI.

I remember I had been using another disk image for the Pinebook Pro which did contain plenty of other files on the DOS partition, including a netbsd.img. But happy to learn this can be simplified, not using /netbsd on ffs and in parallel netbsd.img on dos. 

Now, my issue is that the plain vanilla builds from nyftp only yield an empty screen on my Pinebook Pro (looking at the LEDs flickering I *believe* the system actually boots, though). Any idea how to proceed? Booting from an external Micro SD Card, BTW.


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