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Re: netbsd-8 images on RPI2 / RPI3?

Any ideas? I don't have any other versions of the Pi to test, and I don't
have any way to connect to the serial console.

I assume there is no activity on the ethernet port either?  I'm not
sure if the ethernet is put "up" before or after the root filesystem
is resized, so you might have to give it a few minutes until it
reboots and you can ping it.

I can give it a try later today.

The issue wasn't that it was booting and I couldn't see the results. The issue was that it wasn't booting at all. Replacing the firmware worked perfectly.

I asked the same thing back in July or so, and only now realized that Mayuresh had suggested using different firmware, so this issue has been around for a while.

What do we need to do to get newer firmware pulled in to netbsd-8?


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