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SATA for Banana Pi Pro

I have a banana pi pro with NetBSD (8.99.41) installed. I want to use it as a file server; however, I do not see the SATA controller available or maybe I don’t know what to look for. Either way, I do have an SSD external drive connected, and I do not see that either. Here is the link to my dmesg (https://pastebin.com/sMDzDRzN).

NetBSD origen 8.99.41 NetBSD 8.99.41 (GENERIC) #0: Sun May 19 19:06:53 UTC 2019  mkrepro%mkrepro.NetBSD.org@localhost:/usr/src/sys/arch/evbarm/compile/GENERIC evbarm

Another unrelated question: is there a more fully supported ARM board that supports an external SATA drive?

Ron Georgia
“90% of my problems are due to ignorance, the other 10% is because I just don’t know any better.”

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