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Re: wiringPi

There seem to be a lot of traps in his build script.  I haven't heard
of anybody making counterfeit Pis but I have a Rock64 with supposedly
a compatible GPIO bus.  Once the bugs are out of it it will be better
than a Pi.  They don't have 17 million users funding the R&D though.

I just tried building it on a real Raspberry Pi but under arm64 Debian
and it bombed.  I don't actually have a use for it, I was just

On 7/9/18, starsnet%yandex.ru@localhost <starsnet%yandex.ru@localhost> wrote:
> hi, all)
> no one ported wiringpi to netbsd?
> I try to compile - I get a lot of mistakes.
> or tell me some library for working with gpio on netbsd, similar to
> wiringPi.
> Thank you

No, I won't  call it "climate change", do you have a "reality problem"? - AB1JX
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