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Re: Volunteer for "Add FFS support to U-Boot"

Hey Jared,

I've done with task01-02 you can find those changes into same repository ufs_task01_02_code_review tag.

:::: Task summary ::::
- Add an ffs driver to U-Boot (read-only)  -> done
- Add the following commands to U-Boot: ffssize, ffsload, ffsls -> done
- Integrate changes with existing U-Boot packages (sysutils/u-boot*) in pkgsrc -> wip
- Update armv7.img to support booting directly from FFS. -> tba
- Modify sysinst to allow for installation without an MSDOS partition.  -> tba
    Some of this will be SoC-specific. Need to detect the SoC type and select the correct kernel/dtb and adjust partition layout    to not interfere with U-Boot / SoC specific bootloaders.


18.02.2018, 23:40, "berte" <behzaterte%yandex.com@localhost>:
> Jared, you can find my u-boot git repository as below,
> https://github.com/berte/u-boot/compare/master...berte:ufs
> Cheers,
> --berte.
> 18.02.2018, 15:59, "Jared McNeill" <jmcneill%invisible.ca@localhost>:
>>  Sounds great!
>>>   On Feb 18, 2018, at 8:52 AM, berte <behzaterte%yandex.com@localhost> wrote:
>>>   Hey Jared, thanks for your quick response :-)
>>>   At the moment, I added ffsv1/v2 into Kconfig file also I'll separate source code a bit later.
>>>   On the other hand, I can add whole variants into u-boot, however my main port strategy is ffsv1/v2 but I'm open to suggestions :-)
>>>   Btw, I can create github repo for this task, what do you think about that?
>>>   Cheers,
>>>   --berte.
>>>   18.02.2018, 15:41, "Jared McNeill" <jmcneill%invisible.ca@localhost>:
>>>>   Looks like you’re on the right path. Do you have a plan for dealing with different UFS variants (FFSv1, FFSv2, LFS, etc)?
>>>>>    On Feb 18, 2018, at 8:21 AM, berte <behzaterte%yandex.com@localhost> wrote:
>>>>>    Hi Jared,
>>>>>    I made some changes for u-boot however I'm not sure whatever I'm right or wrong way.
>>>>>    Few question about source:
>>>>>    - I guess ufs alignment changes by architecture but I removed that macro in alloc/dealloc functions. Maybe I can replace with u-boot specific alignment function?
>>>>>    - Also DEV_STRATEGY macro no make sense to me and I commented out that.
>>>>>    I'm still continue with fs_type .read but you can find my early work patch file as an attachment.
>>>>>    Cheers,
>>>>>    Behzat
>>>>>    16.02.2018, 00:13, "Jared McNeill" <jmcneill%invisible.ca@localhost>:
>>>>>>    Perfect! Good luck!
>>>>>>>     On Feb 15, 2018, at 5:06 PM, berte <behzaterte%yandex.com@localhost> wrote:
>>>>>>>     I've already compile uboot master branch for orange pi win, currently I'm working on ffs filesystem port for uboot.
>>>>>>>     I've some obstacles but still proceeding if stuck with it than I'll ping you back :)
>>>>>>>     Cheers,
>>>>>>>     --berte.
>>>>>>>     15.02.2018, 23:58, "Jared McNeill" <jmcneill%invisible.ca@localhost>:
>>>>>>>>     Aarch64 should be fine here on the Orange Pi Win, but be aware that building U-Boot for sun50i family boards is a bit more complicated than others due to the dependency on ARM Trusted Framework.
>>>>>>>>     There is a U-Boot framework in pkgsrc (currently based on 2017.11 release) that you may want to use as a starting point. Creating a package for your board will be simple:
>>>>>>>>      $ cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils
>>>>>>>>      $ cp -r u-boot-pine64 u-boot-orangepi-win
>>>>>>>>      $ cd u-boot-orangepi-win
>>>>>>>>      $ vi DESCR
>>>>>>>>      (Change last line of description to match your board name)
>>>>>>>>      $ vi Makefile
>>>>>>>>      (Change UBOOT_TARGET to orangepi-win, UBOOT_CONFIG to orangepi_win_defconfig, remove PKGREVISION)
>>>>>>>>      $ vi PLIST
>>>>>>>>      (Change share/u-boot/pine64 to share/u-boot/orangepi-win)
>>>>>>>>     That should give you a working u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin.
>>>>>>>>     Cheers,
>>>>>>>>     Jared
>>>>>>>>>      On Feb 15, 2018, at 4:46 PM, berte <behzaterte%yandex.com@localhost> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>      I've raspberry pi (v1), orange pi zero and orange pi win. So I can quickly change architecture if aarch64 not suitable.
>>>>>>>>>      15.02.2018, 23:42, "Jared McNeill" <jmcneill%invisible.ca@localhost>:
>>>>>>>>>>      What board are you using?
>>>>>>>>>>>       On Feb 15, 2018, at 3:31 PM, berte <behzaterte%yandex.com@localhost> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>       Hi Jared,
>>>>>>>>>>>       Thanks for your support.
>>>>>>>>>>>       I'll start with u-boot master branch and also I want to compile that for aarch64, is it okay for you?
>>>>>>>>>>>       Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>       -- berte.
>>>>>>>>>>>       15.02.2018, 20:05, "Jared McNeill" <jmcneill%invisible.ca@localhost>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Hi berte --
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Do you have any specific questions in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>       Jared
>>>>>>>>>>>>       On Thu, 15 Feb 2018, berte wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        I want to work for this title so could you please guide me about that ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        --berte.
>>>>>    <diff.output>


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